Assignment 3
COLLINS, Dan. 2007-2008. Social Networking for Learning Communities.
Fate in Review. 29 27-39.
In this article, the potential of social networking for the 'foundation art studio' and how to make use of it is discussed. Explaining how the Internet and many of its features such as blogs can open up and highlight successful ways of networking. It strongly encourages the idea of social networking as it has its advantages to the art and design community.
FOGG, B.J. 2009. The Rules of Persuasion.
RSA Journal.
155 (5538 June) 24-29.
In this journal article it highlights the idea that technology, such as social- networking, is becoming more and more persuasive. With this it allows you to pin point certain aspects of say your business, find out what is preventing it from growing and then apply your persuasion to the networking community.
GEER, J. G. GEER, J. H. 2003. Remembering Attack ADS.
Political Behaviour.
25 69-95.
This article explores the reasons why certain methods of advertisement sticks more than others. Its takes a more political route into campaigning but explores the same principles as design advertising would. It talks about aggressive advertisement versus positive advertisement; comparing the success of each and whether one produces a better success than the other.
LOVETT, G. 2009. Google urges colleges to exploit digital design and social networking.
Design Week. 24 (17) 4.
This journal article looks at research into social networking between colleges and universities. It will allow you to see at what research has already been looked at, in this case, research into finding ways of communicating with different audiences in a network of people. It talks about using networking sites, such as Facebook, to their full potential in order to network successfully.
NORMAN, D. 2004.
Emotional Design. New York: Basic Books
This book explores the meaning of designs, how attractive things are perhaps better things. The idea that new things are not necessary a better design and that people respond better to designs that don't complicate our emotions. Good design is design that we can easily relate to.
SYLAVAIN, L. 2008. Reading Generation Next.
Applied Arts. 23 (Mar-Apr) 40-53.
This article relates a lot to the idea that advertising has to be stick in order for it to work. It explores the idea that the world is changing and so are generations so ad companies must adapt. Finding ways to connect to their audience, primarily the younger generation, such as becoming a part of the social network that is taking over the Internet. This is how this generation communicates so getting on the same wave lengths is a start to getting through to their audience. Techniques develop once this fundamental idea is met such and interaction with the sites and networks which encourages word of mouth which then makes it successful and sticky!
Design Websites
Society of British Interior Designers
Industrial Design Today
New Designers Website
WIRED Magazine
Wallpaper Website
Studio Unbound Twitter page
Other Websites
BBC News
Red Jotter
Science News from New Scientist
YouTube - Always finding something interesting on there.
LIFE Website